If music turns you on sexually then that's a good thing as long as the DIRECTION is toward your spouse. As a result of your cohabitation children are born and the music helped you with that. You did what God inspired you to do through the creation of sound, beat, groove thus creating a mood. That's the purpose of joyful, sad, mournful, dancing and sexy beats.
Worshipful music creates feelings of praise, worship and adoration within your soul; your soul then reaches beyond just the self. Dancing music makes you dance. God gave you the free will and free choice, God is NOT RELIGIOUS.
David danced before the Lord. Jesus said this:
[Matthew 11:17] We played the flute for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge, and you did not mourn.
Jesus turned water into wine for the feast in which He took part. Women touched Him too. Was He turned on? As a man - yes. But did He meet any of the feminine advances toward Him? - No.
Those who are still in dualism see God and His kingdom as being split in two - half is light and half is darkness. But the problem with that is that it was God who created both light and darkness and He Himself called both as being very good. What happened then?
It started with Zoroaster and then Mani his follower and these two philosophies the Jewish exiles from Persia had entertained for a long time. Obviously, there was a need to study God and His kingdom and a hunger to know the truth. So, ritual religion, like the daily sacrifices and ceremonies became useless because they have not contributed to the spiritual development. Sacrifices served as a sin covering, lest the "wrathful" God should strike the sinners dead. So, that was done out of fear and reverence and eventually it became just a daily ritual and an elaborate religious pageantry.
People needed more than to just atone for their sins or to cover them; they needed to go beyond. But, they went wrong. At that time they were quite exited and very much on the track of finding; only now we know that they were wrong. A man can be excited about going into a blind alley and never knowing it until he reaches a dead end; only then he realizes that he went the wrong way. Jesus said, "Let the blind lead the blind until they both fall into a ditch." So what illuminates our path? - The knowledge of truth which Jesus brought
(Read the Gospel of John 8). Nonetheless, what Jews kept exploring and wrote survived for the subsequent truth-seekers who actually did not care about finding the truth, but rather to entertain anyone that would follow. And entertaining they did.
After Jesus, Muhammad gathered much of his information from the Bible, and from the current beliefs of his day he composed the Koran and thrust it upon his faithful. Anyone who would not be a believer would be labeled as an infidel. The loose Arabian tribes became Muhammad's first audience. They were so ripe for his message, and so receptive that in a very short time the first believers in their newly discovered prophet became his messengers. Islam was spreading rapidly. Naturally, there was a need to make a book out of his sayings; so Mahomet compiled the Koran. The Arabian Peninsula is the cradle of Islam, which sought to unify all nomadic tribes under one roof. Islam kept changing faces as it went on the campaign to islamise the world. At first the weapon was the message, but as the messengers changed regions they have stumbled upon some residence. The sword, spear, bow and fire was then 'anointed' and 'sanctified' to do the 'holy' job. The Ottoman's forces came close to Vienna. Imagine.
The Polish King Sobieski defeated the Turks and saved Europe from Islamisation. Nonetheless, Satan and the devil is part of Islam, and no matter how monotheistic it claims to be it is dualistic in nature. When it is convenient Satan is used and then he can be pinned on the "great Satan" (America) or the "little devil" (Israel). In Christianity, many say in anger, "You are of the devil." Or, "You are the devil." (
Now, that comes from those periods of which I am about to write next.) Jesus used that language too, because most would relate to it and sort of understand. Allusions to these things were frequent. But, it was not yet the time for the final reformation; it was just the beginning of the spreading of the Good News the Gospel.
Now the time for the Last Reformation has arrived and it is us God calls to close the chapter.
You might say, 'I don't believe in Islam.' Another might have said, 'I don't believe in Buddhism, in Judaism, Christianity or Confucianism,' etc. Moses, Mahomet, Confucius or Buddha did not die for you, Jesus did. He is the only one who opened the way back to the Father. Study Jesus and you will now God.
One religion is not better than another. God does not care about the picture frame, but rather what it contains. The frame is dead, but the picture is living.
Although Zoroastrianism or Manism did not find an anchor in the Jewish mind, but what did appeal to the Jews was Hellenism. Greek classics and philosophy - a term coined from a Jewish philosopher
Philo of Alexandria. Obviously Jews searched for knowledge, which was not yet available in their own camp. During an intense period of Hellenization the Maccabees rose against that wicked process by starting a partisan-like war; until the Roman period. During that period of time
(about 200 years) even worse things started to happen to the Jewish mind. Most were seduced with Greek mythology, the worst paganism ever, but it was the culture that appealed to the Jews, just as it was the case before. Out of the victorious Maccabees
the Hasmonean Dynasty had emerged and Romans granted them privileges on the Temple Mt. The Jews started to enjoy autonomy over the holy hill. The Hasmoneans appointed Prusheem, a cast of Pharisees we know about from the New Testament; their job was to bring Jews back to Judaism. But, along with the reconstituted, symbolical sacrifices
(at that time only a copy of the Ark of the Covenant was in the Holy of Holies) also Judaic education of the entire population had its start. But again, as it was before, Greek pagan influence corrupted the pure monotheistic mind.
From Persia the Jews brought Satan as the anti-God angel, the ruler over the world of matter and darkness; and these remarks we find in the New Testament quite frequently, directly or in form of an allusion. God was only limited to the realm of light. Obviously, out of polytheism emerged a compromised version of dualism, which is found in Christianity and Islam, but only minutely in Judaism
(it is more folkloric, kabalistic and superstitious department of Jewish beliefs). The population was steeped in superstition, and dualism was thriving.
(Which was rooted in the supposition that there must have had been a war in heaven and at least temporarily God lost the war to Satan. Those allusion have been revised and mulled over for millenia now.) Prusheem produced their own ideas about Satan, devils and Beelzebub - the alleged ruler of demons; and now we must waste precious time
(which we could use to go beyond the basics) and dwell on this in order to clarify it all and bring people back to the ONE GOD and His pure undefiled Kingdom.
Why people are so slow to get it is beyond anyone's imagination. (1) Do we love God the ALL Mighty? (2) Or we love Satan so much that we just can't part with him? Perhaps it is the second; we "love"-fear Satan for anything hidden in darkness is mysterious and we love to dig the mysteries. Our pride does not permit any parting with shadows because then, perhaps, we would have nothing to tell and the mystery novels would not sell. Religion would lose the intimidation steam. Hollywood would have no story. The open truth and bright light would be just too much.
[John 3:19-21] 19“This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil. 20“For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. 21“But he who practices the truth comes to the Light, so that his deeds may be manifested as having been wrought in God.”
We have invented
(with the help of our predecessors) a theology of heavenly upheavals, the supposed fall of angels
(like Lucifer and his 1/3) and chaos; is God's spring also polluted? No. It is our pollutions for which we should be sorry and then repent and then study our Creator.
God created everything, including music and beats, sexy, or even those that people use to get into a trance. Demonic? Yes. Where did it come from? From heaven? - Hardly. From us? - Yes. Who will be judged? - Yes we. For what? - How we have handled God's pure creation.
It is the usage and direction of God's gifts that condemn or glorify us. Man invented two sources: God & Satan. Why? - Stupid, dimwitted or downright rebellious?
Now, I should stick my head into their little box and think as they want me to? It's too late. Those who are led of the Spirit are sons of God. (Romans 8:14) The peacemakers of Matthew 5:9 are His sons too, the peace Jesus gives us (John 14:27) is not of this world, but is heavenly, where no wars ever took place nor are even possible. If that is not true than the peace of Jesus (not of this world) must be coming from yet another region, yet He went back to the Father who is in heaven from which Jesus came. A realm of a complete peace. Not a place of plots, wars and intrigues.
Have our brains been damaged? If this God is not yours than you have another god.
[1 John 2:16] For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world.
Pride did not originate in heaven, but in the realm of time and matter - earth. Too many have embraced the notion that the accumulation of this earth's dust makes people proud, and they 'fear' that if others accumulate more of the moth-eaten and rust-corroded stuff then they will become too proud. Yet, it is the exchange rather than the holding on to money that produces wealth. It is sharing rather than the hording that brings blessings. Hording is a sign of insecurity and fear of what? - Of never having enough. Sharing and exchanging produces increase. These are just the basics of healthy and thriving economies.
Dust makes another dust proud for having more of it. How can a truly spiritual person become proud; of what?
Start the final reformation of your mind with this small booklet.