God establishes
earthly authorities (Romans 13:1). Pilate’s authority was therefore from God;
Jesus stated so. It is foolish and useless to do spiritual warfare with
principalities and powers since no one else is establishing them but the
Almighty Himself.
The cup of wickedness of any authority on earth must run
full, just as God told Abraham in Genesis 15:16 that the inquire of the Amorites is not yet complete. So there is a measure, which when complete gets terminated. Also one should consider Romans 11:25 where Paul speaks of the fullness of the Gentiles. Israel has been blinded, but only partially, until the fullness... We are living in days where things become complete. So get ready for something unprecedented and completely new.
(If you understand
this then please share your thoughts with us. This writing is for exchange and interaction; otherwise it can be a waste of voluble time.)
It is so important because this divine setup affects our lives. We are
better off understanding and knowing than yielding our minds to idiots and get
lost in religious imbecility. A time lost cannot be recovered. Clouds in the
mind obscure light, the pride of this life shortens life, and then we do not
know God's Kingdom and our position before Him. As a result people not only
waste time, but also pollute our straight thinking with their books, sermons and
false teachings. Fools make fools, the blind leads the blind, and the pride of
life keeps them bound up. Who will make them free but only the Truth, but
do they love God's truth or their own creations? One must first accept and then
absorb (internalize) the Truth; only then one becomes wise and starts to think,
speak and act wisely.
We understand and
know that all of us were born innocent and then gradually become corrupt. Corruption is a departure from innocence. We grow up, but too often in the wrong direction. Children absorb the new at phenomenal speed and are hungry to know more. But as we mature we get hurt and often disappointed, as a result we gradually look for secure places where to lick our wounds. As we do that we resist anything revolutionary and new because we do not want to be hurt again. Again, as a result, we do not overcome anything, but retreat into our safety nest. The exploring child is then replaced with a rigid "mature" person. What's next? Such person tends too look back in time.
An example. Let's take the words of Jesus of John 8:51,
"He who keep My words will NEVER SEE DEATH." Any kind of death, physical, spiritual or eternal, etc. Because most run on the premise of believing, which is pumped into our brains over and over again resulting in blind faith, we grow religiously cautious. Yet, it is Jesus talking here and not the devil... True interpretation vs. false... it is all about one philosophy labeled 'right' against another labeled by the former as being 'false'. Man erects fences and ever thicker and taller protective walls, which the unsuspected confuses with the Truth and a lie. So, if you "believe" that you will never die, then your faith must have substance, but here we run into problems because one hates to be disappointed.
It is the KEEPING of His word and not just believing it, studying Him and God's Kingdom, walking with God as Enoch did. THEN... one's faith grows as one approaches his or her destination. That faith has substance and then it turns into 100% knowledge. Indeed, one truly knows.
Now. You lived your entire life believing in John 8:51, and you were seeking the Kingdom and its righteousness and then oops... you died. Did you have any consciousness of your disappointment with your faith then? No. You lived a full life with hope and faith exploring God and His realm. It is all up to Him to keep you, take you or let you shed the earthly garment. It is Him and His will. Period.
The last fruit
of the Holy Spirit is self-discipline, which has been replaced with church
goings and hearings of sermons. Belonging to a church and taking sacraments turned
into a religious observance because we are guilty, I suppose, and we must do it
just in case.
If we are all born corrupt, because of Adam’s fall, then God
should only judge Adam and not his descendants, and yet all of us individually
will be judged separately. Precisely, we will be judged because incessantly we keep on
mourning the fall of our first parents (* but they were not first, there were other people before Adam and Eve in Sumer), as if we can do nothing about it and then
we blame Satan for all the evils in the world.

* Sumerians existed before Adam, but according to my knowledge of the Bible, they did not have the Free-Will as we do, or the NESHAMAH. They were not made according to God's image and likeness, TSELEM. There were from the pre-Adamic first creation. The Jewish Bible traces Adam's lineage because he was different and brand new. Hence, the Bible keeps on emphasizing the new, the fresh, new heaven, new Earth, new Jerusalem, new wine and new garment; something unprecedented. Only the world believes that Adam (but partially) was the first human; thus another religion had been created, which Darwin undermined with his theory of evolution. As a result those that were formerly religious turned atheists. That's the foolishness of any religious indoctrination. And just like those who believed that the earth was flat so today we still have a long way to go before the Divinely inspired NESHAMAH reveals to us more of the fresh and new.
“Now gird up
your loins like a man,” God said twice to Job (38:3 & 40:7).
All authorities,
monarchs and governments start (in democracies) the same way: with promises to
clean up their predecessors' act or at least improve it. They run on a clean
moral ticket until they themselves fall prey to (gradual) corruption.
Authorities come and go and the righteous must wait until God's allotted time
is complete. In the same way (Romans 11:25 read, UNTIL the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. Also
Ephesians 4:13 read, UNTIL WE ATTAIN to the
unity of the faith, and of the knowledge...) Fools grab but only
pieces of isolated information (like Ephesians 6 [15] gospel of peace and not of war) and
create elaborate doctrines and then enslave their followers to it.
If you still have the patience you can read on.
[John 19:11] Jesus
answered, “You would have no authority over Me, unless it had been given you
from above; for this reason he who
delivered Me to you has the
greater sin.” Then Jesus said that
the one who delivered Him to Pilate (Judas who betrayed Jesus) committed a
worse sin.
Not all sins are
equal. Sin is not just sin as I heard many say, as if in God’s eyes there are
no differences. However, there is sin that leads to ultimate death.
[1John 5:16] If
anyone sees his brother committing a sin not leading
to death, he shall ask and God will
for him give life to those who commit sin not leading to death. There is a sin leading to death; I do not say that he should make request
for this.
This is not eternal
life in hell’s torment, is it? Death through a complete annihilation, for there
is nothing after that but nonexistence. Thus Judas perished for the term ‘son
of perdition’ means utter destruction; having no consciousness of any
Disciples asked
about the man’s or his parents’ sin. Jesus said, “neither” for He was after
this sin obsession and He was about to let them hypocrites have it.
Just as the priests
and Pharisees were obsessed with sin through which psychology they kept the
“sinner” under their “saintly” control so is the same today in Christianity. To
the blind man, whose eyes Jesus opened, they said that he was born in sin.
[John 9:16; 33-34]
(…) But others were saying, “How can a
man who is a sinner perform such signs?” (…) [33] "If
this man were not from God, He could do nothing.” [34] They answered
him, “You were born entirely in sins,
and are you teaching us?” So they put him out (expelled from their synagogue or
from today’s church).

How did they know
that Jesus was a sinner, by whose standard? They ruled that all men are
sinners, why? Actually, of all the people, they were the greatest sinners and
their sinful stench disgusted God. Christians borrowed from their philosophy of
sin, but call it the ‘original sin’ in, or with which, supposedly, we all are
born. (One can say that it is written so in the Bible. Yes, it speaks of corruption and not of the original sin doctrine). As if that sin is so embedded in our genes that there is no way we can
ever be free from it. Why? The only hope is the church, ceremonies,
confessionals, liturgy, public declaration of our faith, marches with banners
and more proclamations of this. Etc. What a nice septic tank we chose to bathe
in. This sort of “curse” mentality keeps many in bondage to this day. Oh, Jesus
saw His people in this bondage and came to set them free, but many were not
willing because of fear.
No one inherited the
original sin of Adam and Eve, for Adam and Eve did not sin, to say it
precisely, but only transgressed the commandment, which God wanted them to
transgress anyway. (No Christian knows the difference, between, uncleanness,
sin, transgression, abomination, fault, violation, iniquity or wickedness, but
the Hebrew people do. So to make matters worse, in Christianity everything is
lumped together and made into sin, then many theologians preach that sin is
sin. Like heterosexual sex (outside marriage), homosexuality, children molestations, rapes, bestiality or
murder are all the same grades of sins. No they are not. Children are scarred
for life. A life taken is no more with us. If you kill with the sword, you will die
from it. Without the Torah we would never grade these things, but since without
the Torah sin remains undefined, 'for the power of sin is the law' (Apostle Paul) then
the law defines it all. But if you want to tell God that it was immoral for
Him to permit, forbid and then create a desire for no other tree but the tree
of knowledge then go ahead. And since your faith in God’s absolute rule over
all of His creation is weak you’d rather dwell in dualism, God vs. Satan.
Instead of studying God you define Him like the Pharisees did and like many do
today by boxing Him in. Next, they'll label Him with their own speculative
theologies and then they stamp Him too and then ship Him out of their lives.
Where is God? – I don’t know? I have not seen Him around lately.
I hope that your brain has not yet overheated. If so, than read on...
The Kingdom of
Heaven is also gone. Where the truth is not preached and taught the kingdom of
God stays away.
[Luke 10:8-9; 11] “Whatever
city you enter and they receive you, eat what is set before you; [9] and
heal those in it who are sick, and say to them, ‘The kingdom of God has come near to you.’ ‘[11] 'Even the dust of your city which clings to our feet we wipe off in protest against you; yet be sure of
this, that the kingdom of God has come
After Adam and Eve’s
transgression God taught them the difference. They did not fall; they were
learning the new lessons of life, for their mission in life was to fill the
entire earth with their kind. Teaching
is good but learning is better. They did not learn much, but
God did not give up on us. Look where we are today. By the way, the Almighty will take care of Adam and Eve in His own gracious
and most merciful way. He sacrificed them for you, just as He sacrificed the
entire Nation of Israel and finally His Firstborn Son. No more sacrifices. This
is it. So let’s learn for we are the most privileged generation.
[John 11:51-53] Now
he did not say this on his own initiative, but being high priest that year, he
prophesied that Jesus was going to die for the nation, [52] and not for
the nation only, but in order that He
might also gather together into one the children of God who are scattered
abroad. [53] So from that day on they planned together
to kill Him.
This means this:
[Matthew 10:5-6] “Do not go in the
way of the Gentiles,
and do not enter any city of the Samaritans; [6] but
rather go to the lost sheep of the
house of Israel. So the Samaritan woman was not really one and
that is why Jesus waited for her to come and draw water. He tested her as to her
affinity with Jews (Salvation is from the Jews, John 4:22). Most likely she was
also a lost Jewess from Judah or from another (lost) tribe, but now found.
There is no other explanation.
Many are called, but
few are chosen. God wants all to come to the saving grace, but not all will be
saved for they actually do not belong. They were born without the “heavenly
gene” but only to populate this earth and then be no more. Many already know
that, so they use this short moment on earth to fill their cup to the brim. They
say that they love life. They hold on to that life until they must let go off
it when they are satisfied with days. And that is okay.
Patriarchs like
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were satisfied with days. They had a mission in this
life, which was to bring a nation that would write the Bible. Israel had to go
to Egypt, multiply and then be delivered from slavery so that we would learn
that God hates slavery and all forms of oppression. God seeks to free you,
while man seeks to bind you, all the time and in many departments of life,
politically, financially and religiously. It was not for Adam and Eve’s sake or
for the patriarchs, nor for Israel; and not for the Christian church’s sake,
but for the remnant made up of overcomers. God’s sons the peacemakers will be
the final variety of people.
If you start with
God’s loathing of earth’s violence then you must end up with His perfect peace
that surpasses all (earthly) understanding. It is the same and final word,
which God utters in Aaron’s benediction (Numbers 6:26). That’s how precious to
God peace is.
It is better to be
nonreligious then only religious… just in case, not caring to know the Creator
as He really is, seeking and studying Him. Religion is only a label impregnated
with lots of hope about going to heaven and skipping hell.
When people’s
mission on this planet is complete they will not exist and that, above all, is
God’s love and His righteousness, even fairness. The physical death is only a
quiet prelude. Then comes the judgment. That which has been harvested will be
sorted out like wheat, chaff and straw. Only the wheat will be gathered and the
rest completely burned up as if it never existed, so that’s not hell, that’s
God’s mercy.
[John 10:26-28] "But
you do not believe because you are not
of My sheep. [27] "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; [28] and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and
no one will snatch them out of My hand.

As the message of
salvation became increasingly popular throughout whole Europe, starting in
Greece, the Kenites found in it a business opportunity. That same itch for
political power, like that of their Jewish predecessors who conspired against
Jesus never goes away. As it drove the Jewish authorities to insanity so it was
the same with the Christian wars. Christ and the cross were used only as a
“holy” pretense. From this insanity emerged hell; concocted from Jesus’ loose
allusions to fire, which He used when He spoke about or with the priests,
scribes and Pharisees the inventors of hell. So now the Christian authorities
enlarged their empires with depictions of eternal torments in hell. If you do
not join the church you go to hell. If you leave the church you also burn.
There is no escape from the threat of hell, which the Kenites laugh about
because they know that there is none. As tares the Kenites will be burned up
and that is it. They have no life eternal. What they are after is not salvation
or heaven, but rather to rule over fools here and now to fleece them like sheep
each day. They do not ever have enough of the shiny metal. Their heaven is
power now. They know that when they die they will not be.
Anyone desirous to
obtain eternal life is of the God’s children material. These sheep Jesus sent
to find and so He commissioned His disciples to do.
Those who are of the
truth listen to Me. “You are not my sheep, not of the truth…” said Jesus. Not
of the truth?
[John 18:37-38] Therefore
Pilate said to Him, “So You are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say correctly that I am a king. For this I
have been born, and for this I have come into the world, to testify to the
truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.” [38] Pilate said
to Him, “What is truth?”
So let’s not define
what is truth, but let’s study the truth. Turn it upside down, shake it, turn
it, eat it, drink it and never eliminate it until it completely transforms you.
I say the same: those
who have used me and than abused me; and because of me expelled members of
their church; they are not of the truth, they are Kenites (of Cain's descendants the first murderer and liar, according to the Bible, John 8:44). These people
fell in love with the political power, dominance and money. They hold on to the few people they have caught in their nets and are afraid to loosen their grip on their minds. Anyone who says something different from their well-established dogmas is deemed as a serious threat to their establishment, and that is kenite.) They saw their
sheep running to me for liberation, education and healing. As they were being
cleansed from all religiousness they no longer fitted in the old religious barn
and found in it no fresh bread anymore. Some wandered from place to place
seeking rest. But finally they had realized that they could stand on their own
two feet. What, too much light, too much truth? Jesus was persecuted for it, so am
I, and it’s going to get worse. But what I know no one knows on this planet.
Where I am going they cannot follow. They will seek me but won’t find me for
the unclean cannot enter therein.
Those who have seen
the multiplication of bread and fish, and many miracles, but after they heard
His teaching they departed and stopped following Jesus. They were not of the
Truth and not His sheep anyway. Learn this truth and learn it fast.
Jesus said to the
Pharisees, “I know that there is no love of God in you.” Why? Because you hate
Me; you are as empty drums manipulating the people with illusions and fears
just to be in control. The pleasure of control can be addictive, but in fact it
is demonic.
[Matthew 23:27-28;
29-35] "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are
like whitewashed tombs, which on the outside appear beautiful, but inside they are full of dead men’s bones and all
uncleanness. [28] "So you, too, outwardly appear
righteous to men, but inwardly you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.
Obviously, as a Jew,
Jesus knew that anything dead is unclean. Today, not only the Orthodox Jews
venerate tombs, but also Catholics who keep the *‘All Saints’ Day. Holy people
do not visit graves and do not touch anything unclean and they do not seek any
merit or special blessing from the dead (Orthodox Jews pray at the graves of
famous rabbis).
* All Saints' Day is
observed by Christians in many countries around the world. In countries such as
Spain, Portugal and Mexico, offerings are made on this day. In countries such
as Belgium, Hungary and Italy people bring flowers to the graves of dead
relatives. In other parts of Europe, such as Austria, Croatia, Poland, and
Romania, it is customary to light candles on top of visiting graves of deceased
relatives. It is also observed in parts of Asia, such as the Philippines, where
people visit graves of deceased relatives and clean or repair them. They also
lay flowers on the graves and light candles.
Since we study Jesus
and not man’s traditions then what is He saying? For many in religion the dead
are saints and the living are sinners. We live in memories for time sort of
cleanses lots of things and everything after an elapsed time begins to look
sweet and beautiful. To this day it is the rabbinical, and not only rabbinical
teaching, to never say anything bad against the dead. Even if your father was a
rapist or a murderer, still you must speak of the deceased only nicely. As if
you must not disturb the dead by reminding the decomposing corpse of its sins.
But this mystical malady leads to demon possession, which starts with
uncleanness. Therefore, Jesus spoke of unclean spirits in no uncertain terms.
Stupidity costs nothing. Wisdom is expensive, but can you afford it?
[29] “Woe to
you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you build the tombs of the prophets and adorn the monuments of the
righteous, [30] and say, ‘If we had been living in the days of our fathers, we would not have been
partners with them in shedding
the blood of the
prophets.’ [31] "So you testify against yourselves, that you are sons of those who murdered
the prophets. [32] "Fill up, then, the measure of the guilt of your fathers. [33] "You
serpents, you brood of vipers, how will you escape the sentence of hell?
Oh Really? Looking
back we tend to romanticize things and even imagine as if they had never taken
place. Then we move on to legends and myths. This is the attempt of many
Holocaust deniers like KKK, Nazis, Iranian Ayatollahs and now the united in the
same Fatah and Hamas Palestinians. Why? Hatred.
[34] "Therefore,
behold, I am sending you prophets and
wise men and scribes; some
of them you will kill and crucify, and some of them you will scourge in your synagogues,
and persecute from city to city, [35] so that upon you may fall the
guilt of all the righteous blood shed on earth, from the blood of
righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah, the son of Berechiah, whom you
murdered between the temple and the altar.
Here we have the
ancestral lines of the ancient hate gene. Since Ishmael and Esau this gene went
on a journey into the future. It passes on from generation to generation and
new circumstances awake these sleeping gene. “By their fruits you shall know
them” (Matthew 7:16-20).
[John 5:41-43] I
do not receive glory from men; [42] but I know you, that you do not have the love of God in yourselves. [43] have come in My Father’s name, and you do not receive Me; if
another comes in his own name, you will receive him.

Because they loved
their glorious positions they received it daily and sought more glory as they
went, for by then it became too addictive to give it up. So they exchanged the
love for God—in whose name they held high positions—for the love of self. Today
religious illusion is being exported from the US all over the world and many
seized the opportunity. Just go on YouTube and you will see the turmoil.
People’s faith in the devil is so powerful that they give themselves over to
their own creations, body, mind and soul. The nonexistent "Lucifers" are crying
out and demons from hell—although they not supposed to be yet in hell—but all
these false imaginations with which people have been fed throughout the years; they now project out. They are loaded with deep frustrations. They only vent out
their indescribable angers, which they kept suppressed for the sake of being nice in
a civilized society. You only need a
platform to allow this. You make people laugh, they will laugh. You allow them
to go hysterical; they will go hysterical. You permit demons to talk, which
Jesus never did allow, you will have demonic circus that would make a believer
out of any uneducated greenhorn. Yet, all this trash can be swept away with one
swipe of the heavenly truth. But the learning of the truth is very slow and is
approached with a timid suspicion. Why? It is not popular like that other trash.
The religious theater must go on, lest they lose their audiences to the preachers of the Truth. Result? Many are called but only few … you know the rest.