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Imagine yourself to be God. Sort of come out from your own fleshly enclosure, forget time, locale and distances. Forget what you physically feel, like hunger or thirst, and any other physical senses; and try to see yourself in God’s place. Look ‘down’ on yourself, which would not be correct because God is not above. See yourself from His point of view. How does God see you.
We do not need to intonate a somber melody or repeat our prayers. That would still be from the old view, subjective and fleshly. So we will not correct or undo something, but we will just be.
God sees you and through you all, at once. He sees your feelings, thoughts and your silhouette 100%, totality. You do not need to please Him, beg Him… oops, here I go again; I used negatives as in correction. So I snap out of it again.
God knows everything. Before Him time is not; so the past, present and future are all one. He says hello, what do you say? He watches feels you because He is the all-encompassing Spirit. God does not have a human body, so I do not need Him to have one in order to sympathize. God the Spirit is way more sensitive than we have imagined; precisely because He does not have a human body on Him. He penetrates even the densest molecular and atomic structures in existence. He is all knowing and all aware. Before I think something new He already thought it; that’s why I thought it. He does not bombard you with new thoughts because if He did you would perish. It would be overwhelmingly too much. So He is gentle and yes, very delicate, He feels your vulnerabilities to the max.
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Imagine yourself to be God. Sort of come out from your own fleshly enclosure, forget time, locale and distances. Forget what you physically feel, like hunger or thirst, and any other physical senses; and try to see yourself in God’s place. Look ‘down’ on yourself, which would not be correct because God is not above. See yourself from His point of view. How does God see you.
We do not need to intonate a somber melody or repeat our prayers. That would still be from the old view, subjective and fleshly. So we will not correct or undo something, but we will just be.
God sees you and through you all, at once. He sees your feelings, thoughts and your silhouette 100%, totality. You do not need to please Him, beg Him… oops, here I go again; I used negatives as in correction. So I snap out of it again.
God knows everything. Before Him time is not; so the past, present and future are all one. He says hello, what do you say? He watches feels you because He is the all-encompassing Spirit. God does not have a human body, so I do not need Him to have one in order to sympathize. God the Spirit is way more sensitive than we have imagined; precisely because He does not have a human body on Him. He penetrates even the densest molecular and atomic structures in existence. He is all knowing and all aware. Before I think something new He already thought it; that’s why I thought it. He does not bombard you with new thoughts because if He did you would perish. It would be overwhelmingly too much. So He is gentle and yes, very delicate, He feels your vulnerabilities to the max.
Every new imagination comes from Him because apart from Him
we are not. This awareness is an
eye-opener, the spiritual eyes, which the organized religion closed for us. But
let’s not try to undo what has been done, but let’s go further and all the rest
will be taken care of quite naturally.
God does not sit nor He stands. He is. Omnipresence is
transcendence… and here we lack expressions when describing God. He exists and
does not exist. When you are dead, God is not. God is only when you are alive
for you declare Him. If none of us exist then there is no one to declare Him; so in
that sense—to us—He is not, but He is, even when we are not because He is
beyond all (material) existence.
These exercises in perceptions are beneficial because they
lead to self-nullification and away from partiality. Partiality or subjectivity
is because of the physical body, which God does not have.
Do not seek cheap sympathy like, ‘I know I was there myself
and I know what you are going through.’ Before you think He knows. Before you
pray He knows, such was the teaching of Jesus His firstborn Son. It all comes
down to this awareness, which is knowledge. So let’s know God His way and
according to His truth and never subjectively according to our
"own" imaginations.
[Matthew 6:7-8] And when you are praying, do not use meaningless repetition as the Gentiles do, for they suppose that they will be heard for their many words. [8] So do not be like them; for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.
The meaningless repetition is religiousness. We have houses of prayer, organized halls of meditations, as if God really needs it. He is there all the time. It is the substance and not many prayers, even deep repentance and intensity rather than some long mantra. A quality of our turning to Him makes it happen. If it happened to me; it will also happen to you.
Because those others (present day pharisees, hypocrites) have hijacked your mind, you are unable to stay positive, but as I do right now we all seek correction. Again... I snap out of it and climb higher still.
Jesus had to do it. He had to point out hindrances. The same is with us today. If we do not point the problems that hinder we won't repent. So what I teach is already beyond repentance. But then those who have not yet repented will only criticize me labeling such teachings as influences of Eastern religions' because man must accuse, label and attribute our teaching to one or another religious camp with which they disagree. So it is indeed a bondage from which Jesus came to free us. My elder brother the Firstborn taught me to be merciful. So I try as hard as I can to be merciful.
I see Hinduism and all other Eastern religions as complete blindness for just as Jesus said (above in Mat. 23) they have not entered and prevent others from entering the simple way, because of the "altered states of awareness, mantras, and some special ways of ascendancy to higher levels of awareness etc."
NOTE: Transcendental Meditation (TM) is a veiled form of Hindu yoga, though it claims to be a religiously neutral method of relaxation and rejuvenation. Initiates to TM receive a mantra (Hindu holy word) to repeat while sitting in yogic postures and engaging in yogic breathing. The goal is to find God within their own beings, since God (Brahman) and the self (Atman) are really one.
Even from these defensive measures one must snap out and move on. Do you see the difficulty? Eventually the teacher will have to stop teaching and be a student to himself and then altogether leave this world. It makes me so sad. God is sad. We are sad because of the present state of humanity. So God and His intercessors carry the burden, but for how long?
Religiousness is the thief that steals the truth and why? Because of our flesh, locale and distances; hence self-identity; we filter things subjectively. No one can understand God the Spirit through the eyes of (any) religion. One must be free to get it. Hence, Jesus also came to free us. Ah freedom. What a wonderful thing. The simplicity of His teaching comes down to the simplicity of a child.
We are still on the bridge. I open your spiritual cognitive perceptions to bring you over to a place where I am already. Because I am gracious and forbearing and I would not condemn nor ridicule you God chose me for the task of leading you to Him. You may say, “If you are already there then why won’t you just say what’s on the other side of the bridge?” If I told you, my words would only be empty and meaningless.
[Matthew 23:13-14] But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you shut off the kingdom of heaven from people; for you do not enter in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to go in. Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you devour widows’ houses, and for a pretense you make long prayers; therefore you will receive greater condemnation.
Because those others (present day pharisees, hypocrites) have hijacked your mind, you are unable to stay positive, but as I do right now we all seek correction. Again... I snap out of it and climb higher still.
Jesus had to do it. He had to point out hindrances. The same is with us today. If we do not point the problems that hinder we won't repent. So what I teach is already beyond repentance. But then those who have not yet repented will only criticize me labeling such teachings as influences of Eastern religions' because man must accuse, label and attribute our teaching to one or another religious camp with which they disagree. So it is indeed a bondage from which Jesus came to free us. My elder brother the Firstborn taught me to be merciful. So I try as hard as I can to be merciful.
I see Hinduism and all other Eastern religions as complete blindness for just as Jesus said (above in Mat. 23) they have not entered and prevent others from entering the simple way, because of the "altered states of awareness, mantras, and some special ways of ascendancy to higher levels of awareness etc."
NOTE: Transcendental Meditation (TM) is a veiled form of Hindu yoga, though it claims to be a religiously neutral method of relaxation and rejuvenation. Initiates to TM receive a mantra (Hindu holy word) to repeat while sitting in yogic postures and engaging in yogic breathing. The goal is to find God within their own beings, since God (Brahman) and the self (Atman) are really one.
Even from these defensive measures one must snap out and move on. Do you see the difficulty? Eventually the teacher will have to stop teaching and be a student to himself and then altogether leave this world. It makes me so sad. God is sad. We are sad because of the present state of humanity. So God and His intercessors carry the burden, but for how long?
Religiousness is the thief that steals the truth and why? Because of our flesh, locale and distances; hence self-identity; we filter things subjectively. No one can understand God the Spirit through the eyes of (any) religion. One must be free to get it. Hence, Jesus also came to free us. Ah freedom. What a wonderful thing. The simplicity of His teaching comes down to the simplicity of a child.
We are still on the bridge. I open your spiritual cognitive perceptions to bring you over to a place where I am already. Because I am gracious and forbearing and I would not condemn nor ridicule you God chose me for the task of leading you to Him. You may say, “If you are already there then why won’t you just say what’s on the other side of the bridge?” If I told you, my words would only be empty and meaningless.
Because words alone cannot express that realm, there must
first come understanding. Only grasp, digestion and assimilation of the given
knowledge can result in wisdom. No one is wise without understanding and
knowledge. So what I do is take you step by step and while I do; you will begin
to realize, grasp and understand. The Spirit of God in me will communicate with
your spirit until we are one in the same Spirit. There are not many spirits but
one, even God’s. And that Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth, which the world
cannot receive nor understand because the world is in but only the physical
mindset, which cannot grasp spiritual things anyway.
[John 14:16-17] I will ask the Father, and He will give you
another Helper, that He may be with you forever;
that is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him, but you
know Him because He abides with you and will be in you.
The eternal Holy Spirit cannot ever die for His mission is
to abide in His nature, which is everlasting. Like wind, which is everywhere
for it is air, it can be more in some areas and less in another areas; and in
some areas we have hurricanes. Yet, it is the same power of air (Hebrew, Ruach).
So we attract the Spirit presence to our localized presence because we are
physical, while He is not. We cannot be everywhere at once, but He is. Because
we can be only in one place at a time we maintain but fragmented way of
thinking and these fragments get us into trouble when it comes to dealing with
God the Spirit.
The world cannot receive because it is unable to. This
inability stems from physical perceptions only. Anything purely physical cannot
grasp something spiritual. Anything placed in a locale and time would interpret
spiritual things accordingly—measures, time and distances—and this is a fragmented
orientation, a characteristic of the (physical) world. The masses are called
the world, the field, but in that field God hid His treasure; so now we dig
that treasure out.
The planet earth is a globe, which turns and orbits around
the sun. 1 AU equals 149,598,000 kilometers between the Sun and Earth. Our planet is between Venus and Mars. Venus is
located 0.72 AU and Mars is 1.52 AU from the Sun. Localizations can fight with
the assigned to them territory; and if they do then we would have a cataclysmic chaos. Some
believe that it was the case before Genesis one, but they attribute it to
Lucifer’s rebellion and his subsequent fall. Oops, here I go again trying to undo
something erroneous and preposterous. Discipline yourself oh man.
Let’s use God’s gift of understanding.
Let’s use God’s gift of understanding.
[Exodus 31:3] “I have filled him with the Spirit of God in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge”—God.
God filled him with three: understanding the given knowledge and when that knowledge is grasped the man was wise, but how? He did artistically beautiful things for the house; be it sculptures, painting, cloth weaving or music-; these are God's gifts for His glory.
[Proverbs 18:2] A fool does not delight in understanding, But only in revealing his own mind.
This is typical of being proud of knowing something. It
takes humility to gain understanding (first which absorbs knowledge).
[Proverbs 20:24] The LORD ordains man’s steps, how then can man understand his way?
One must receive the LORD’S understanding, which is
timeless, unbroken and unlimited.
[Proverbs 21:16] A man who wanders from the way of understanding will rest in the assembly of the dead.
Lack of understanding brings death. Anything fragmented dies
anyway, anything one lives forever.
So, planets have distances, which we can measure and they
stay in their respective regions. As already said, if they forsake their
territory and run to each other the result is destruction of cataclysmic
proportions. So they dwell in the all-encompassing God Creator the Spirit (John
4:20). The spiritual realm keeps order, which is always physical. Spirit realm
needs no such order for it is harmony itself.
The moment an angel crosses the bridge between the spiritual
and physical realms that angel acquires a visible and discernible image. An
angel becomes a singular entity, but the moment he slips back into the
spiritual realm he loses that image for God has no image. Elohim—God and His
angels—are image-less. Any visible contour is only visible on this side for so
we perceive things through our physical senses, but that ability is unnecessary
on the other side. Hence, “I was in the spirit” expression means to be on the
other side of the bridge.
Standing on the bridge is not possible for the mix of
spiritual perceptions and the physical ones only results in a man-made religion
and subsequent religiousness. We even go further. We organize it and then go
even further; we define things, which are invisible, and uncontrollable. We
cannot control God, but He controls us already just as He keeps Venus and Mars
and the sandwiched between them planet Earth in their respective domains.
The moment we seek to define God in our own religious terms
we try to control God and that is sin in His eyes. It is harmful to us and to
Him for He loves us.
Through the understanding these aspects we can surrender our
lives to Him, but to do that it would be hard if we do not know God, but only
ponder on many isolated thoughts, borrowing things from different philosophies,
cultures and religions.
Imagine Mars boxing the Earth and the earth boxing with
Venus. They can do that because they are three separate physical entities. Imagine
the same but in reverse, over the bridge on the spiritual side.
God was before Mars. God has no beginning for only
physical things can have a beginning. Just as Venus, Mars and Earth were but only thoughts
in God's mind; they could not have boxed or bump into each other, but remain in their respective
thought positions and domains.
EXAMPLE: If you start a war between a number 5 located in the left lobe of your brain and fight number 7 in your right lobe; do you go with it anywhere? Either you make out of these two numbers 12, or keep them as 5 and 7. You can extract 5 from 7 and make a 2 and then you split the 2 into 1 and 1. God the Spirit vs man the flesh. But is that a war? As long as these numbers are only in your cognitive sphere you will enjoy but only the stirring energy of life and nothing else.
EXAMPLE: If you start a war between a number 5 located in the left lobe of your brain and fight number 7 in your right lobe; do you go with it anywhere? Either you make out of these two numbers 12, or keep them as 5 and 7. You can extract 5 from 7 and make a 2 and then you split the 2 into 1 and 1. God the Spirit vs man the flesh. But is that a war? As long as these numbers are only in your cognitive sphere you will enjoy but only the stirring energy of life and nothing else.
Before we were, God had us in His mind. Then He gave birth
to souls and then these souls were enclosed in fragments of earth’s dust. Each
mineral particle was transformed when God’s thought passed through them.
Muscles, bones, organs and human DNA contain that original thought of God’s
creation. That is the reason we can think the way He does and we can be as
perfect as He is (Matthew 5:48). If you think that it is totally impossible
then you still filter your thoughts through the fragmented flesh. You do not do
the perfecting all by yourself, but the Perfect God does it. All you do is allow Him. It takes time perhaps, but you
learn His ways.
You are already in Him; you move and exist in Him (Acts 17:28). So what’s the hindrance? Why filtering everything through only the fleshly perceptions and senses? The same God who made you the way you are also suspended you but in Him. You are not in your own anything... You are not self-existent and self-sufficient. Get this delusion out of your head first.
All you need to do is open up your mind to greater possibilities and forsake your blindness. Go deeper and further. Walk with God as Enoch did who explored the endless possibilities of God.
You are already in Him; you move and exist in Him (Acts 17:28). So what’s the hindrance? Why filtering everything through only the fleshly perceptions and senses? The same God who made you the way you are also suspended you but in Him. You are not in your own anything... You are not self-existent and self-sufficient. Get this delusion out of your head first.
All you need to do is open up your mind to greater possibilities and forsake your blindness. Go deeper and further. Walk with God as Enoch did who explored the endless possibilities of God.
Imagine pomegranate. It is one fruit, but contains many chambers with clusters of seeds. When you have finished eating the juicy flesh off of each seed you have not finished eating the seed, nor the flesh, but the pomegranate. So it is with God and His angels. Therefore, no angel can rebel against something he dwells in. It would be like a war against the bed in which you sleep. Based on this simple logic everything else that has evolved is not God’s thought but man’s, which comes from flesh and physical locale.
We will cross the bridge to the other side, if you want me
to. But if I hear no feedback from you I will keep it all to myself. Anyway, I
have a real feast sharing these things with my wife and we are crossing the bridge
until one day there will be nothing to cross anymore.
"Anything purely physical cannot grasp something spiritual." "Anything purely physical" - exist there such a thing at all?
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Erkenntnis und Verstand müssen wir mit unserer ganzen physischen Kraft aktivieren. Dann stimmt folgende Gleichung:
Erkenntnis und Verstand = Weisheit
Erkenntnis und Verstand sind Geistesgaben und Weisheit ist die Frucht aus beiden Geistesgaben.
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